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Scaling a scene, like a familiar building or landmark, to a fraction of its original size, allows people to view something they know so well through a new lens. It’s very eye-opening. That’s why many clients request miniature models for their space. Our team takes precise measurements, ensuring every inch of the design is scaled true to its original size. It’s always fun to hear the astonishment when someone discovers the real dimensions of structures related to its surrounding environments. 




A design and build company in Toledo, Ohio that turns ideas into objects. Objects for your public space such as a museum, park, or library. We put to paper your wildest ideas and build it to exacting specifications. Animated, molded, authentic, and inspiring. These objects make you stop and appreciate that you don't need special glasses to see in 3D.



15 N Huron Street | Toledo, OH 43604

(419) 690-4870

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